The dialogue “Open the Future. Discover Yourself” was dedicated to the subject of realizing the potential of each individual and achieving success
In a frank conversation with the young people, Yulia Uzhakina, the Director General of the Rosatom Corporate Academy, spoke about the opportunities in today’s world, where everyone can develop their talent and find one’s vocation.
The speaker noted that in lean manufacturing it is common to identify 8 types of losses, one of which is the unrealized potential of employees, unused knowledge, skills and abilities.
Moreover, in this case, the losses are not only borne by the employer, but also by a person who could achieve great professional and career results.
According to the speaker, in addition to a person's skills and abilities, the effort they are willing to make to achieve their goal is no less important. And although there are now a huge number of opportunities for self-realization in Russia and the world at large, it is necessary to be able to realize your potential regardless of the conditions created.
As an example, Yulia Uzhakina cited two success stories, in the creative and scientific fields. One is the story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who wrote more than 900 works in just 44 years of life, combining the profession of a writer with that of a doctor. Another is the example of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, who, in extremely difficult circumstances, through perseverance and hard work, achieved great scientific success in physics and chemistry and became the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize.
“Take advantage of all the opportunities that employers create for you,” urged Yulia Uzhakina, the Director General of the Rosatom Corporate Academy. “Dream, go for your goal, no matter what. After all, commitment and dedication are the surest way to success.”
Youth work and career guidance
Early career guidance for schoolchildren, involving teachers and parents, is one of the priorities of Rosatom’s HR policy, which the Rosatom Corporate Academy helps to implement. To enhance the interest of schoolchildren and students in natural and exact sciences, as well as technical disciplines, Rosatom organizes professional tests, open lectures, engineering and design shifts, championships, Olympiads, competitions, classes in laboratories and workshops, and actively participates in federal events and projects. The State Corporation is a partner and co-sponsor of the following projects: the All-Russian competition for schoolchildren “Big Change”, joint events of the Sirius Educational Center (Talent and Success Foundation), as well as the Russian “Knowledge” Society, the All-Russian student competition “Your Turn”, the Olympiad “I am a Professional”, the All-Russian campaign “Career Time”, including the Golden Internship competition and many others.
For reference:
The World Youth Festival is held in accordance with the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to develop international youth cooperation. It will be attended by 20,000 young leaders in education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteerism and charity, sports, business, and media, including 10,000 foreign participants. Teenagers will also be able to take part in the festival for the first time (as part of the track of the all-Russian movement of children and youth “Movement of the First”).
Rosatom is a multi-industry holding company which comprises assets in power engineering, machine building, and construction. Its strategy is to develop low-carbon generation, including wind power. Rosatom is the national leader in power generation (accounting for about 20% of the country's total output) and ranks first globally in terms of the size of its portfolio of orders for the construction of nuclear power plants: 33 power units in 10 countries are at different stages of implementation.
The Government of the Russian Federation and large Russian companies continue to expand the spectrum of solutions for unlocking the potential of students and young employees. Rosatom and its enterprises are involved in the creation of joint departments in Russian universities, the implementation of scholarship support programs, major educational projects, the organization of practical training and internships for students.