
The panel discussion on fast neutron reactors - the innovative nuclear reactor generation samples development prospects was held while the ENC 2016 (European Nuclear Conference, October 9-13, Warsaw).

Russia’s breaking through technological expertise was presented by Sergey Starostin, Concern RosEnergoAtom deputy director of international business and development department.

«Russia is the only country that owns 35 years of successful expertise in fast neutron reactors operation. BN-600 reactor was brought into operation at Beloyarsk NPP in 1980. It keeps on providing the Sverdlovsk Region with electricity and heat up to the present days. In December 2015 newer BN-800 reactor was connected to the national grid. Since then it produced more than 2 billion kW of energy», - Starostin said. The continuity of Russian nuclear technologies allows us to develop the BN – 1200 project, more powerful and robust than previous ones».

He also added, that BN-800 commercialization opens up the opportunity for closed nuclear fuel cycle implementation that allows SNF reprocessing into operational nuclear fuel that makes power generation cycle more environmentally friendly. Ecological significance of fast reactors was also mentioned by another discussion’s participant, Emmanuel Touron, CEA French nuclear company representative. «Fast neutron reactors allow for accumulated wastes decrease and a significant technological development through the complex use of energy units», - he claimed.

New reactor development process in USA was described by country’s nuclear society president Andrew Klein. According to him, «There’s an obvious need for new high technology reactor projects demand creation and infrastructure development nowadays. This will establish the framework for their future operability in the U.S.»

Another partisan of new reactor technologies development was Spanish Tecnatom’s representative Fernando Guerra. He introduced country’s nuclear program issues. «The operating life period of Spanish nuclear objects will soon reach 40 years. That provides a necessity for their modification. Spain needs new, safer and more efficient reactor solutions today and we should invest all our efforts in this field», Guerra stated.

ENC 2016 (European Nuclear Conference) - is a prestigious international industrial event, organized by ENS (European Nuclear Society). Conference is a unique networking event for science, nuclear and political field representatives. Warsaw hosts the conference this year.