
The Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant hosts 32 fifth-year students of the Institute of Atomic Energy MEPhI (IATE MEPhI) for an internship program.

The three and a half weeks long program covers theoretical and practical courses for trainees in order to acquaint them with advanced Russian technologies and solutions in nuclear energy, implemented at the Novovoronezh NPP. These courses are dedicated to the principles of nuclear reactor operation, key power plant control systems, up-to-date security technologies.

In particular, the Vietnamese students will study technological specifics of Unit 1 of the Novovoronezh NPP-2 (power unit 6 of the Novovoronezh NPP) – world's first 3+ generation power unit with VVER-1200 type reactor, put into commercial operation on February 27, 2017. It conforms to the post-Fukushima standards and is currently the latest and the most powerful nuclear unit in Russia.

According to Vladimir Lobanov, Head of the Practical and Theoretical Training Centre of the Novovoronezh NPP, the internship is carried out within the framework of the existing agreement between the NRNU MEPHI and Rosenergoatom regarding the training of foreign students at the operating nuclear power plants in Russia. Vladimir Lobanov adds that, "the knowledge acquired by these students will be applied to the active development of the nuclear industry in Vietnam and other countries. In future, Vietnamese graduates of NRNU MEPHI will be able to work in the Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology in Vietnam.”

"I am very pleased that Novovoronezh NPP was selected as the training ground. What we have earlier seen in books and on drawings only, can finally be seen live, and we can now grasp and appreciate the size and scale of such colossal object. During the internship, we will be able to work at one of the most modern nuclear power plants,” - shares her impressions fifth-year student Nguyen To Yen Nhi. – “On returning home I am planning to work in the energy industry, because I would like to put the acquired knowledge to practice.”

According to the student there are few production centers in her hometown of Ninh Thuan province with a population of over 560 000 people, industry has just started to develop in some areas. New factories will significantly increase energy consumption, and the capacity of the hydroelectric power station in the province will not be enough to meet the growing demand.

“I think, nuclear energy is a very promising direction, since nuclear technology is used in science, medicine, geology and many other areas of our life. I hope that I will be able to engage in research activities upon completing my studies. I am sure that I will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to the development of the scientific base and industry of my country,” - says her course mate Vu Duc Viet from the Bac Ninh province. – “As soon as we saw Novovoronezh and took a walk along its streets, we called it a city for a vacation. It is very nice and clean. I'd like to see my hometown looking the same.”

Russia and Vietnam are linked by many years of successful cooperation in the area of peaceful use of nuclear energy. Dalat is the home-town to a nuclear research reactor, which was upgraded by Russian experts in 1980s and has been successfully running ever since.

The program of training professionals for nuclear power industry has been implemented by Russia jointly with Vietnam since 2010. In the period from 2010 to 2016 over 400 students from Vietnam came to receive their education in nuclear power industry specialties in Russia.


Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant is a subsidiary of JSC Rosenergoatom. The NPP is located on the Don river, 42 km south of Voronezh. This is the first Russian Nuclear Power Plant with VVER type reactors (pressurized water power reactors of hull type with a normal water under high pressure). Each of the five reactors operates as a main station-prototype serial power reactor. The first unit was commissioned in 1964, the second in 1969, with the third in 1971 and the fourth and fifth ones in 1972-1980.

Units 1, 2 were stopped in 1984 and 1990, respectively. Unit No. 3 was stopped in 2016 for decommissioning. Unit 6 of Novovoronezh NPP is running in the experimental-industrial mode. Unit No. 7 undergoes construction and installation works.

Since 2007 Rosenergoatom has been leading construction of two power units of the new generation at Novovoronezh NPP implementing AES-2006 project. The new units will run VVER-1200 reactors.

Operational information about the radiation situation around nuclear power plants in Russia and other nuclear industry facilities are provided on the site www.russianatom.ru